Postcard From The Hedge.

Well, you can colour me giddy, The Podcasters’ Pandect has had a mention on the fabulous Tom Legitimacy abounds! I know that Tom Rhodes and his lovely missus Ashna Rodjan are really encouraging and supportive of fans, writers, comedians and the like. That’s important to me, it’s people like them that make caring about comedy, even art in general, totally worth it. I’m chuffed to bits.

On that note, I know I have been neglecting the page somewhat, okay, quite a lot. If the Pandect was a house plant it would be fixing me with an unforgivingly shrivelled glare. I have no excuse, like every other aspiring writer out there, I got distracted by my novel. I shudder to be so cliché, but there you have it. Shame on me. But I will be posting again real soon, and as the content builds I’ll be looking at building an associated Facebook page. I may even try to work out Twitter like everyone else over the age of five already has!

In the meantime, I appreciate your patience and hope you are all having the summer of your lives, filled with charcoaled meats and improbable tan-lines. Love to your mothers, fathers, acquaintances and people you saw on a bus once.


p.s. Since they so kindly promoted me, I will once again take an opportunity to turn your attention to where among many other interesting pieces you can find Rhodes’ latest special Light Sweet Crude for the unbelievably reasonable price of $5. That’s about £3.22 to fellow Brits or 3.75E to our friends on the continent. The special is brilliant, I thought this would probably be a tidy little collection of his jokes to reel in new comedy fans testing the water via Netflix. I was sort of right and sort of wrong. There is new material in here if you’re familiar with his work, and if you’re new to it, this is a great place to start. Rhodes has an idiosyncratic and laconic style with jokes that tap you on the left shoulder, then when you look round, tickle your right funny bone before you even realised. If you want dark and brooding this may not be for you, but the jokes have depth and are more than just throwaway lines. He finds a neat juxtaposition between thought-provoking and goofy and is never cruel, he doesn’t need to be. It’s comedy, and most importantly it will make you laugh. The jokes are original, the punch lines quick and Rhodes himself is a charming man who will convince you to love him if you let him! If you’re looking for something new, I thoroughly recommend this [review originally written for Netflix.] It’s super simple to download in great quality (even I managed to do it, seriously.) and there are also neat little bundles for if you feel like splurging on his entire back-catalogue or for fans looking to fill in the gaps in their collection. So if you’re in the mood to chuckle up a storm this weekend but don’t feel like dealing with the public or putting on trousers, why not pop five bucks into the internet and treat yourself to some calorie-burning mirth?

Whaddya think?